My Journey to the Enchanted Forest


This post will contain the first part of my story "Overcoming the Norm," called "My journey to the Enchanted Forest. Feel free to follow me on the first part of my journey of self-discovery. Please keep in mind that this blog post will probably display in reverse chronological order. So this newest one will likely be the first post at the top of the main page when you first land on my blog. If you don't want to spoil the story, you might want to read the post titled "Introductions" to find out what this blog post is all about. Happy reading Everyone!

The story begins with me playing a game of charades with my sister Elela and our friends Cryo, Lothir, and Olohn. Out of nowhere, a headache begins forming in my head forcing me to cut the game short.

           On the way to my room, my head begins to worsen. I am just passing a hallway leading to my room when a light catches my eye. I walk towards it cautiously as I wonder where that door came from and why it was doing that. The closer I got to the door the more I notice the carvings on the door. They are definitely beautiful that's for sure. Suddenly a key appears in the keyhole, and I look to see if anyone had followed me out of the room. The key itself was golden and had an apple with a crown on it.

           When I didn’t hear or see anyone I shrugged my shoulders and reached out to touch the key. At first, I jumped because the key changed colors when I touched it. Then with a smirk of confidence, I turn the key and the door creeks open. A bright light makes me shield my eyes as it engulfs me as I enter the door. Unknown to me at the time, the door left a special note telling the group where I went so no one would worry and go looking for me.  

           Not knowing what was going on I waited for the light to die down before I continued on forward. When the glow dies down I am taken aback by the beautiful colors around me. There are all kinds of flowers, and beautiful tall trees many of them with animals in them. As I stand in awe at the view around me I wondered where I ended up. In the distance, I see a beautiful castle. 

          With my mind made up, I decided to go check it out and I begin walking toward the castle. Hoping someone could help me.

          Once I was within distance of the castle a horn can be heard as it announces my arrival. A small garrison of dwarven guards approaches her. 

           "Halt! Who are you and what business do you have here?" Castien asked.

           "My name is Firn and I am a Queen from a kingdom named Avala. I have journeyed to this castle in hopes the royals here could help me figure out how I got here and how I can get back to my home," said Firn.

           The head guard nods his head slightly and turns to another dwarf behind him and nods his head motioning him to go speak with the princess. The messenger nods his head and takes off towards the castle to inform Princess Elora of her guest.

          The messenger rushes into the throne room and bows before Princess Elora. He tells Elora of the message from me, and she tells him to let me in. The messenger bows once more, turns, and heads back to inform Firn that she’s welcome to enter. Once he got outside, the messenger walks up to Castien. With a nod and a smile, the group escorted me to the throne room where Princess Elora would be.

          Before we could reach the throne room to meet the one they called Princess Elora I hear yelling coming from somewhere ahead of me. There were two women inside the room arguing. Once a few harsh words were said by one woman tears start forming in Elora’s eyes as she cups her hands over her eyes, turns, and rushes out of the room. Once Elora is out of the room and away from her stepmother Raine, she notices movement out of the corner of her eyes. She notices it’s the group escorting the queen from another land to see her. As we walk toward her, she hurries to fix herself, before she closes the gap between us.

          She walks past the guards to meet me as she extends her hand in welcome. We both shake hands. Elora then guides me to her sitting room so they could speak further with the guards remaining outside. We sit down in chairs within the study and start talking. As Elora continued with her story, I used my elemental powers of ice and I scoot our chairs closer to the princess and I take her hand in my own. A few words were spoken between us and a light seemed to go off in Elora’s head. She stands quickly from her chair. With her words of gratitude for what I told her, she now understood what it meant to be a strong woman.  

          I rise from my seat and extend my hand toward Elora. At this time I now realize why I was brought here and what my new calling was in life and that was to help my fellow royals understand what it means to be a strong woman in a society where women are looked upon as delicate things not worthy of anything more than to be a pretty face.

        I bid Elora a goodbye and with some guards accompanying me I make my way back to the door. With a deep breath, I turn to the guards with a smile and I nod my head in thanks. I grab the doorknob and turn it. A bright light engulfs me again as I enter the door. When the glow dies down I realize I'm back home in Avala. With a sigh of relief at being back home, I have a smile plastered on my face knowing I helped Elora overcome her struggles. It made me warm inside knowing I helped someone like that.

        I look out the window and notice that it was still dark outside meaning that no time really passed while I was in that other world. Just as I was about the leave back down the hallway the light appeared through the keyhole once more, but this time a new key was in its place. This one was light blue and had what looked like a shoe on it. I smiled at the thought of helping another as I return to my room to get some rest before continuing my adventures.

       This is where I leave you, dear reader. This is the end of my first journey, but soon I will be going back through that door to another world where I will help the royal there. Feel free to follow me on my next journey.

Until next time dear reader,



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